Module: ol/interaction


import * as olInteraction from 'ol/interaction';



interaction.js, line 87
import {defaults} from 'ol/interaction';

Set of interactions included in maps by default. Specific interactions can be excluded by setting the appropriate option to false in the constructor options, but the order of the interactions is fixed. If you want to specify a different order for interactions, you will need to create your own module:ol/interaction/Interaction instances and insert them into a module:ol/Collection in the order you want before creating your module:ol/Map~Map instance. Changing the order can be of interest if the event propagation needs to be stopped at a point. The default set of interactions, in sequence, is:

Name Type Description

Defaults options.

Name Type Description
altShiftDragRotate boolean (defaults to true)

Whether Alt-Shift-drag rotate is desired.

onFocusOnly boolean (defaults to false)

Interact only when the map has the focus. This affects the MouseWheelZoom and DragPan interactions and is useful when page scroll is desired for maps that do not have the browser's focus.

doubleClickZoom boolean (defaults to true)

Whether double click zoom is desired.

keyboard boolean (defaults to true)

Whether keyboard interaction is desired.

mouseWheelZoom boolean (defaults to true)

Whether mousewheel zoom is desired.

shiftDragZoom boolean (defaults to true)

Whether Shift-drag zoom is desired.

dragPan boolean (defaults to true)

Whether drag pan is desired.

pinchRotate boolean (defaults to true)

Whether pinch rotate is desired.

pinchZoom boolean (defaults to true)

Whether pinch zoom is desired.

zoomDelta number

Zoom level delta when using keyboard or double click zoom.

zoomDuration number

Duration of the zoom animation in milliseconds.

A collection of interactions to be used with the module:ol/Map~Map constructor's interactions option.

Type Definitions


Name Type Argument Default Description
altShiftDragRotate boolean <optional>

Whether Alt-Shift-drag rotate is desired.

onFocusOnly boolean <optional>

Interact only when the map has the focus. This affects the MouseWheelZoom and DragPan interactions and is useful when page scroll is desired for maps that do not have the browser's focus.

doubleClickZoom boolean <optional>

Whether double click zoom is desired.

keyboard boolean <optional>

Whether keyboard interaction is desired.

mouseWheelZoom boolean <optional>

Whether mousewheel zoom is desired.

shiftDragZoom boolean <optional>

Whether Shift-drag zoom is desired.

dragPan boolean <optional>

Whether drag pan is desired.

pinchRotate boolean <optional>

Whether pinch rotate is desired.

pinchZoom boolean <optional>

Whether pinch zoom is desired.

zoomDelta number <optional>

Zoom level delta when using keyboard or double click zoom.

zoomDuration number <optional>

Duration of the zoom animation in milliseconds.